We are very excited to be building a new food bank in the heart of St. Tammany Parish! With a teaching kitchen in the center of the 8,000 SF building, we will be able to better serve families in our parish, and to enrich the services we already provide by offering nutrition and gardening classes.

This new food bank building will be an asset to those we serve and to our community. In times of disaster, First Responders will be able to access and distribute food and other essentials to people in need.

We need your help to cross the finish line and realize this goal! Please consider ordering a custom-engraved brick to commemorate your church, business, organization, and family members. Please pray for our ministry and this new building. Together, we are sharing the love of Christ with those who need the hope found in John 3:16 more than ever! Thank you for being such a generous and faithful partner in The Samaritan Center’s ministry.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Dena Grosart

If you prefer to pay by check CLICK HERE to download the printable order form.

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