Peaceful Promenade
Whether you are a child or an adult, life comes with challenges. We all have those stressful mornings when you are rushing to get out the door, to get to drop off, and then onto your day. And those afternoons when you are picking up your child, completely exhausted from the day and just can’t wait to be home. How do you cope? Maybe you have an app on your phone, or reminders on your computer. We all tend to get absorbed in our electronics and distracted from our surroundings. Do you look for signs, inspiration, motivation, words of wisdom throughout your day? Sometimes we don’t see the simple signs that are right in front of us, or, right under our feet. That is what the Peaceful Promenade Brick Campaign is all about: rejuvenation, inspiration, memories, and peace, at your feet.

The concrete paths from the driveway to the toddler door and to the parking lot are about to be transformed into a “Peaceful Promenade” created with engraved bricks, personalized by you. Dedicate a brick to your family, children, or someone who inspires you. Add your favorite word, quote, or phrase that motivates you. Share your words of wisdom and hope with all who walk these paths and maybe your brick will be the one that inspires and transforms someone else’s tough day into one of peace.

Your brick donation will forever be part of the MSOE community and for all who visit these paths. When people visit MSOE, meet the staff and other families, they tell us it feels comfortable, like home. We want to improve the landscaping in front of the building to fit that internal feeling and experience. Also important, is a design to mitigate the flooding that inevitably plagues the basement more than several times a year adding cost to our budget and taking time away from getting other important things accomplished. Your contributions will help us achieve these goals.

Thank you in advance for your continued contributions and support to the MSOE community. We can’t wait to see your contributions!

If you have any questions, please contact:
Matthew Simberg, M.Ed.

If you prefer to pay by check CLICK HERE to download the printable order form.

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4x8 Brick - Text Only


  • 3 lines personalized text
  • Up to 20 characters per line

4x8 Brick - Logo (Left)


  • 3 lines personalized text
  • Up to 12 characters per line