West Columbia Beautification Foundation’s Brick Fundraising Campaign
with bricks installed at:
West Columbia’s Newest Park
212 Hudson Street, West Columbia, SC 29169
Adjacent to the West Columbia Riverwalk
Everyone - Every Ability - A Great Place to Play Together
The newest park in West Columbia is designed for children of all abilities to share the joy in playing together. The facilities and amenities are entirely ADA accessible and designed with dignity in mind. The following ADA amenities are available: playground, water fountain, restroom facilities, an open air pavilion, landscaping, handicap accessible parking and sidewalks for easy access throughout the park and to the Riverwalk.
Making a donation to the West Columbia Beautification Foundation Brick Fundraising Campaign is a great way to memorialize your loved one, share a special date or message, or show support for your parks. Bricks will be engraved with your custom message and mini bricks with the same message make a great gift.
Please note all orders placed after today will be in the next install date.
If you prefer to pay by check CLICK HERE to download the printable order form.